Score 8.64

Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai? Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen

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Status: Completed Studio: Released: 2020 Duration: 24 min. per ep. Season: Type: Episodes: 12 Posted by: AC Released on: Updated on:

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Synopsis Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai? Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen

After a slow but eventful summer vacation, Shuchiin Academy's second term is now starting in full force. As August transitions into September, Miyuki Shirogane's birthday looms ever closer, leaving Kaguya Shinomiya in a serious predicament as to how to celebrate it. Furthermore, the tenure of the school's 67th student council is coming to an end. Due to the council members being in different classes, the only time Kaguya and Miyuki have to be together will soon disappear, putting all of their cunning plans at risk.

A long and difficult election that will decide the fate of the new student council awaits, as multiple challengers fight for the coveted title of president.

Anime Review by The Anime Critic : ‘Kaguya-Sama WA Kokurasetai? Tensai-Tachi No Renai Zunousen’


‘Kaguya-Sama Wa Kokurasetai?’ (also known as ‘Kaguya-sama: Love is War’) is a romantic comedy that does not follow the usual clichéd narrative. The story primarily focuses on Kaguya Shinomiya and Miyuki Shirogane, two acclaimed geniuses who serve as the student council president and vice-president at Shuchiin Academy – a prestigious school for the elites.

The peculiar romance between Kaguya and Miyuki is not your typical boy-meets-girl fairy tale. Both having pride as high as the sky refuse to confess their feelings to the other, considering it as an act of submission. Instead, they engage in various stratagems to make the other confess their love first, leading to hilarious shenanigans and comic situations, while subtly exploring their burgeoning feelings towards each other.

The Anime Critic’s Review

Jumping right into ‘Kaguya-Sama WA Kokurasetai?’ was probably one of the most satisfying decision I’ve made recently. This anime redefines the romance-comedy genre by unleashing a battle of wits for displaying affection.

The story does not follow a linear pattern but offers episodic tactical battles stylized as a chess game between Kaguya and Miyuki. A major strength of this show is its ability to maintain balance. The narrative cleverly intersperses comedy with segments of genuine emotion, allowing for a deep connection with the characters.

The attention to detail in the animation is truly commendable. The expressive character designs and background art complement the comical tone, while they still manage to portray dramatic moments with grace and impact. Midi Yuki’s marvelous soundtrack further enhances each episode’s atmosphere, making them more memorable.

While Kaguya and Miyuki are the star protagonists, the supporting cast plays a substantial role in the series. Chika Fujiwara, with her unpredictability, often becomes the wild card that disrupts Kaguya’s and Miyuki’s carefully planned stratagems. Ishigami, the rather gloomy treasurer, steals the show on more than one occasion with his occasional insights.

From an overall perspective, ‘Kaguya-Sama: Love is War’ is a refreshing twist to the romantic comedy genre. The show masterfully combines an engaging storyline, fantastic animation, and a memorable soundtrack to transport the viewer into the world of Kaguya and Miyuki.

If you’re a fan of rom-coms that stray away from the conventional, this is a must-watch! Whether you decide to rent, buy, or stream it, you’re in for an unforgettable experience that will leave you eagerly waiting for each new episode. This anime will indeed be a challenge for those who want to not root for both Kagaya and Miyuki in this enjoyable game of love and war!

Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai? Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen
8.64 / 10 Reviewer
{{ reviewsOverall }} / 10 Users (0 votes)
Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai offers a fresh take on the romantic comedy genre with clever and witty writing. High-quality animation and well fleshed out characters contribute to an engaging and constantly evolving storyline.
While the series has a unique premise, the plot progression can be slow and repetitive. Some viewers may also find the characters' constant mind games exhausting instead of entertaining.
Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai? Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen is an exhilarating romantic comedy anime that plays mind games with complexities of young love. Exceptionally clever and often overwhelmingly funny, the series is also touching and sweet in unexpected ways. An intelligent storyboard combined with likable characters helps in creating a timeless charm that keeps viewers hooked from the start.
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Characters & Voice Actors

Shinomiya, Kaguya Main
Koga, Aoi Japanese
Ishigami, Yuu Main
Suzuki, Ryouta Japanese
Fujiwara, Chika Main
Kohara, Konomi Japanese
Iino, Miko Main
Tomita, Miyu Japanese
Shirogane, Miyuki Main
Furukawa, Makoto Japanese
Hayasaka, Ai Supporting
Hanamori, Yumiri Japanese
Shirogane, Kei Supporting
Shirogane, Father Supporting
Koyasu, Takehito Japanese
Shijou, Maki Supporting
Ichinose, Kana Japanese
Narrator Supporting
Aoyama, Yutaka Japanese

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