Score 8.24

Hajime no Ippo: Mashiba vs. Kimura

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Status: Completed Studio: Released: 2003 Duration: 1 hr. 1 min. Type: Episodes: 1 Posted by: AC Released on: Updated on:

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Synopsis Hajime no Ippo: Mashiba vs. Kimura

Tatsuya Kimura is beginning to feel left behind. With his friends Ippo Makunouchi and Mamoru Takamura holding the championship belt in their respective weight classes, Kimura's inability to become Japan's Junior Lightweight boxing champion eats away at him. Scheduled to fight with the current champion Ryo Mashiba, Kimura begins to train with Ippo's rival Ichirou Miyata, who previously suffered a crushing defeat from Mashiba's signature "Hitman" style of boxing.

But Mashiba has his own desire to hold onto the belt, hoping to soon shoot for the World title and secure financial stability for his sister Kumi. Will Kimura's overwhelming drive to prove his strength as a boxer overcome Mashiba's desperate wish to provide a better life for Kumi?

Review: Hajime no Ippo: Mashiba vs. Kimura

In the thrilling world of Hajime No Ippo: Mashiba vs. Kimura, boxing is more than just a sport – it is a calling, a struggle, a way of life. In the center of the stage stands Tatsuya Kimura, a mid-tier boxer hungry for the taste of victory. But standing in his way is the ruthless Mashiba Ryo, known for his “Grim Reaper” tactics and feared by boxers across the landscape. This special OVA, which functions as a superb supplement to the larger series, focuses on their epic clash, promising heart-thumping and pulse-pounding action from beginning to end.

The narrative structure of Mashiba vs. Kimura is beautifully done. It crafts a tense story line that showcases the many facets of human nature, such as endurance, perseverance, and sacrifice. It offers boxing as an embodiment of life’s demands – it’s filled with failure, triumph, effort, regret, determination, and oftentimes, unrelenting pain. Yet, it underlines the importance of standing up and venturing forward, showcasing how this severity can bring forth most profound, heartfelt victories of life.

Story and Characters

Mashiba vs. Kimura takes great strides in character development, providing a level of depth that is both unexpected and appreciated. Tatsuya Kimura, an underdog character we’ve followed since the early days of Hajime No Ippo, is put under the limelight, displaying his trials and tribulations which are relatable in a very real, human sense. Mashiba, on the other hand, is portrayed with a chilling realism as the antagonist but really shines by the end of the OVA.

Animation and Sound

The animation in this boxing featurette is gripping! The visuals are stunning, and the hand-to-hand sequences are impeccably choreographed. Using realistic, and at times, brutal representation of boxing, the anime hits home to produce a very satisfying visual narrative. The apt sound design and OST only add to the overall immersive experience, creating a profound impact on the viewer.

Should you Watch It?

As the Anime Critic, I am all about finding those hidden gems, those underappreciated works that deserve more love, and let me tell you – Mashiba vs. Kimura is definitely one of them! Whether you are a boxing enthusiast, an anime aficionado, or just a person craving for a gripping narrative – this anime delivers! So folks, whether you want to rent, stream, or buy, my advice is: Don’t miss out on this one!

So folks, put on your gloves, jump into the ring and experience the rollercoaster ride that is ‘Hajime no Ippo: Mashiba vs. Kimura’!

Hajime no Ippo: Mashiba vs. Kimura
8.24 / 10 Reviewer
{{ reviewsOverall }} / 10 Users (0 votes)
Hajime no Ippo: Mashiba vs. Kimura packs powerful, gripping fight scenes tempered with emotional depth. The expert storytelling and detailed animation bring out the intensity of the match, making it a riveting watch for any anime fan.
The OVA felt rushed with some essential plot developments feeling undercooked. Some viewers felt that there was not enough depth or complexity to the characters, limiting emotional engagement.
"Hajime no Ippo: Mashiba vs. Kimura" dives deep into the world of competitive boxing. A fearsome fight between two determined characters, Mashiba and Kimura, forms the crux of the narrative. With compelling plot development and intense action sequences, the anime leaves a strong impression on viewers who appreciate sports-themed action narratives.
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Characters & Voice Actors

Miyata, Ichirou Main
Seki, Tomokazu Japanese
Aoki, Masaru Main
Takagi, Wataru Japanese
Kamogawa, Genji Main
Utsumi, Kenji Japanese
Kimura, Tatsuya Main
Fujiwara, Keiji Japanese
Mashiba, Ryo Main
Tanaka, Masahiko Japanese
Makunouchi, Ippo Supporting
Kiyasu, Kohei Japanese
Takamura, Mamoru Supporting
Koyama, Rikiya Japanese
Mashiba, Kumi Supporting
Kobayashi, Sanae Japanese
Commentator Supporting
Horikawa, Jin Japanese
Fujii, Minoru Supporting
Ono, Kenichi Japanese

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