Score 8.21


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Status: Completed Studio: Released: 1998 Duration: 24 min. per ep. Season: Type: Episodes: 26 Posted by: AC Released on: Updated on:

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Synopsis Trigun

Vash the Stampede is the man with a $$60,000,000,000 bounty on his head. The reason: he's a merciless villain who lays waste to all those that oppose him and flattens entire cities for fun, garnering him the title "The Humanoid Typhoon." He leaves a trail of death and destruction wherever he goes, and anyone can count themselves dead if they so much as make eye contact—or so the rumors say. In actuality, Vash is a huge softie who claims to have never taken a life and avoids violence at all costs.

With his crazy doughnut obsession and buffoonish attitude in tow, Vash traverses the wasteland of the planet Gunsmoke, all the while followed by two insurance agents, Meryl Stryfe and Milly Thompson, who attempt to minimize his impact on the public. But soon, their misadventures evolve into life-or-death situations as a group of legendary assassins are summoned to bring about suffering to the trio. Vash's agonizing past will be unraveled and his morality and principles pushed to the breaking point.

The Anime Critic Reviews: Trigun

Hey all you anime aficionados out there! Today, The Anime Critic is delving into the universe of none other than the classic series, Trigun! Strap yourselves in because this isn’t just any ordinary anime, Trigun has been entertaining fans with its unique blend of action, comedy, and deep themes since its debut back in 1998.

Our humanistic hero, Vash the Stampede has the worst luck—earring a whopping $$60 billion bounty on his head because anywhere he goes, havoc ensues. Although Vash is blameless, insurance society employees Meryl and Milly are tasked with following him, in a futile endeavor to minimize the damages. Unfortunately for them, luck isn’t in their favor, and they soon find themselves caught in the crossfire of Vash’s thrilling shenanigans.

Introduced into the enigmatic, barren world of a hostile desert planet, the audience is promptly barraged with action and stylistic gunfights, which makes this sci-fi, Western-style anime the iconic masterpiece it’s acclaimed to be. The plot, whilst shrouded in mystery initially, allows the layers to gradually unfold, divulging a deeper, more profound perspective on war,’s peace and humanity’s propensity for self-destruction.

Animation & Cinematography

Despite its age, Trigun’s animation holds up incredibly well and the fluid movement during the intense gunfight scenes is something to behold even compared to today’s standards. The character designs are full of depth, and the arid, gritty landscapes of the desert planet are beautifully presented. They blend seamlessly to create a vivid and rich hodgepodge of gunslinging old west with a futuristic edge.

Story & Characterisation

Trigun perfectly balances light-hearted, wacky comedy with its darker, more profound themes of the nature of morality and humanity. Our main man, Vash, is a delight to witness as his character is revealed layer by layer through each episode. His charismatic personality coupled with underlying melancholy creates a compelling and mind-thought provoking protagonist that the audience can root for.

Sound & Voice Acting

Trigun’s epic soundtrack’s orchestral and western-style tunes successfully set the scene, bringing life to the anime’s visuals. Whether it’s the dramatic crescendos during the intense shootouts or the sombre harmonies during the introspective moments, the music hits all the right notes. And let’s not forget the awesome Ultra-lounge opener “H.T.”, which sets up the exciting atmosphere right away.

Final Verdict

Should you rent, stream, or buy Trigun? I would definitely say it’s a purchase-worthy anime! Its engaging story, complex characters, top-notch animation, and exceptional music make it an important part of every anime fan’s collection. Trigun is a remarkable example of how humor and sorrow can be entwined in such a way that the intended message is not lost but rather, it’s delivered with incredible impact. So grab your wallets, Trigun is a definite must-watch and a definite must-buy!

Until next time, keep watching and diving deep into the compelling world of anime.

8.21 / 10 Reviewer
{{ reviewsOverall }} / 10 Users (0 votes)
Trigun boasts a unique blend of well-developed characters, engaging plotlines, and satisfying action sequences. Its detailed storytelling and themes of redemption and morality combined with a witty sense of humor sets it apart from typical action-based anime.
Trigun can feel outdated with its animation style, as it was released in the late 90s, potentially turning off viewers accustomed to more modern aesthetics. Some viewers might also find the pacing irregular and the narrative disorganized, with comedic elements that aren't always effectively balanced with the serious nature of the storyline.
Trigun anime review reveals a classic sci-fi story, based on a manga series. Highlighting its memorable characters, unique storyline, and remarkable blend of drama, action, and comedy. It further appreciates intense emotional depth, exceptional animation, and impressive soundtrack contributing to its cult following.
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Characters & Voice Actors

Vash the Stampede Main
Onosaka, Masaya Japanese
Wolfwood, Nicholas D. Main
Hayami, Show Japanese
Thompson, Milly Main
Yukino, Satsuki Japanese
Stryfe, Meryl Main
Tsuru, Hiromi Japanese
Bluesummers, Legato Supporting
Seki, Toshihiko Japanese
Kuroneko Supporting
Yukino, Satsuki Japanese
Knives, Millions Supporting
Furusawa, Tohru Japanese
Saverem, Rem Supporting
Hisakawa, Aya Japanese
the Hornfreak, Midvalley Supporting
the Beast, Zazie Supporting
Kamiya, Hiroshi Japanese

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