On Christmas Eve, four-year-old Miri Unasaka arrives in Tokyo completely alone, in search of her father. The bright lights and merry atmosphere guide Miri to a big hotel and a man with a delicious-looking cake. However, the child has just unknowingly walked into the center of an elaborate, foolproof plan for assassinating a dangerous mafia boss.
Professional assassins Kazuki Kurusu and Rei Suwa live together, fleeing memories of their grim childhoods and avoiding emotional connections. When their mission goes awry and they end up bringing Miri home, there is only one reasonable thing to do: return Miri to her mother. But the girl's innocent laugh and pure worldview quickly enamor her to Kazuki, who secretly enjoys playing a parent, and it is not long before Rei's impenetrable heart makes room for Miri.
Miri's every move is unpredictable, and Kazuki and Rei find raising an energetic child harder than any of their missions. Although it presents a great risk to their careers, Kazuki and Rei—both assuming the affectionate nickname "papa"—decide to provide Miri with a normal childhood despite all the odds stacked against them.
The Anime Critic presents: Buddy Daddies – A Unique Blend of Action, Comedy, and Bromance
The story sets the stage in a world where supernatural phenomena are the order of the day. Our protagonist, Kouji Maruyama, is a struggling single father and a down-on-his-luck private investigator who struggles when dealing with supernatural occurrences that constantly invade his regular life. One day, Kouji encounters Goro Tachibana, a fierce yet amiable beast hunter who’s renowned for dealing with such paranormal phenomena. This unexpected collision of unconventional worlds result in the duo teaming up on numerous adventures in an attempt to solve the supernatural mysteries that plague their city, subsequently leading to the formation of an unlikely bromance.
Despite their difference in character and outlook towards life, Goro and Kouji forge a strong bond solely out of their shared commitment towards protecting their city. While navigating through the trials and tribulations of tackling supernatural phenomena and the challenges of single-parenthood, Kouji begins to experience a sense of camaraderie and brotherhood that was previously missing from his life.
Buddy Daddies – Bromance and Busting Ghosts
Buddy Daddies is one of those anime that perfectly hit all the right chords in the symphony of a good binge. This action-packed, comedic, yet heartwarming series delivers a unique combination of supernatural adventures seamlessly blended with slice-of-life moments that strike the perfect balance.
Buddy Daddies delivers its action sequences with fluid animations and creatively designed supernatural creatures. These elements go from impressive to flat-out breathtaking, thanks to the striking artistry from its talented crew. The animation quality gives life to each scene, thereby significantly enhancing the immersive viewing experience.
Beyond The Supernatural
As amazing the supernatural portion of Buddy Daddies is, the surprise winner here is the close-knit bond between Kouji and Goro. The series is laden with humor and bittersweet moments, which further deepens their bond and enables the viewers to connect with them. It offers a fresh perspective on the trope of bromance in anime, ensuring you get engrossed in their escapades, while making you root for their camaraderie.
The Verdict
Buddy Daddies proves to be an engaging, action-filled anime with a soul. The perfect blend of thrilling supernatural action and compelling slice-of-life drama sets it apart from other anime. The character development is commendable, with each character’s personal growth unfolding beautifully with every episode.
This anime’s uniqueness and freshness make it a must-watch for any anime aficionado. Whether you choose to stream, rent, or buy, Buddy Daddies is worth every minute. This isn’t just an anime you watch; it’s an anime you experience; and believe this critic, it’s an experience you wouldn’t want to miss!
Final Score – 4.5/5
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