Score 8.19

Major S2

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Status: Completed Studio: Released: 2005 Duration: 25 min. per ep. Season: Type: Episodes: 26 Posted by: AC Released on: Updated on:

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Synopsis Major S2

Gorou Honda has finally returned to Mifune East Junior High School, surprising his friends upon arrival. Now, Gorou is once again surrounded by those he holds closest, and he strives to continue playing and enjoying the game he loves most.

However, things do not go as planned, as Gorou is reminded of the harsh realities of baseball as he copes with an injury he sustained while playing baseball at Hitaka Little. Between new rivals, old friends, and mending broken relationships, Gorou must overcome challenges he has never faced before.

His goal of attending elite baseball high school Kaido may not be far from his reach, but complicated circumstances may stop him in his tracks once again. How will he deal with the immense pressures of the game? And will he ever be able to find the type of baseball he loves most?

Major S2: Pitching the Epitome of Sports Anime

Before we delve into the review, let’s cover a brief synopsis of S2. “Major” is a classic anime series rooted in sports phenomenon that was first introduced to us through the endearing character, Goro Honda, a hopeful young baseball enthusiast. Major S2 continues the narrative from the first season, focusing on Goro, now a 9-year-old who harbors dreams of becoming a professional baseball player, hoping to step into the shoes of his late father who was a pro. The saga continues with Goro’s journey to unleash his potential and navigate through the treacherous path of personal and athletic growth.

The excitement of this season is centered around Little League arc where teams from all around Japan battle for supremacy in the national tournament. With Goro joining the Mifune Dolphins, the team’s fate takes a drastic turn. The storyline explores the ascents and descents of Goro’s life, his interactions with fellow team members, the tests, trials and triumphs of the games they play, and the relentless pursuit of their dreams.

The Pitch Was Never This Engrossing!

Major S2 is a perfect encapsulation of what makes sports anime so popular! This season takes you beyond the typical trappings of sports cliches to offer something more profound and thrilling. The anime presents not only the exhilaration of the games but also the struggle of its characters, making it a riveting watch.

The characterization is probably what sets Major S2 apart. Each character, irrespective of their screen time, adds substance to the storytelling. We feel, suffer, and triumph along with Goro, invoking a sense of camaraderie, a testament to the excellent writing and character development.

Visual & Auditory Home Run

With an impressive animation quality that never flinches even in the most dynamic of sequences, Major S2 is visually arresting. The character designs maintain their simplicity and appeal, and the animation brings every swing, slide, and catch to life.

Complementing the stunning visuals is the immersive soundtrack that elevates every scene, be it an emotional moment or an electrifying final pitch. The endearing opening and ending themes add the cherry on the top for the overall auditory presentation.

Final Verdict: Swing or Miss?

In concluding, Major S2 is a spectacular show, the kind that compels you to put yourself in the shoes of the characters and root for them. With a compelling narrative, well-crafted characters, and excellent production values, it carries forward the legacy of the first season while marking its own identity. Rest assured, this anime is worth every bit of your time, whether you stream, rent, or buy it.

So, what are you waiting for? It’s time for Major S2 to take the field in your watch list, for it delivers a game of baseball like never before!

Major S2
8.19 / 10 Reviewer
{{ reviewsOverall }} / 10 Users (0 votes)
Major S2 continues to impress with its superb art quality and action-filled animation. The plot deepens and becomes more engaging facilitating character development and emotional depth.
Major S2 suffers from choppy animation quality at times that can detract from the viewing experience. Some episodes also feel rushed, lacking enough character development and depth in storytelling.
Major S2 continues the inspiring journey of Goro Honda as he aspires to become one of the greatest baseball players. With its perfect blend of intense matches, emotional drama, and persisting struggles, this season further deepens the viewer's connection with the protagonist. It offers captivating character development together with an engaging storyline, servicing both baseball enthusiasts and fans of good storytelling.
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Characters & Voice Actors

Honda, Gorou Main
Satou, Toshiya Main
Morita, Masakazu Japanese
Shimizu, Kaoru Supporting
Sasamoto, Yuuko Japanese
Mayumura, Ken Supporting
Yasumura, Makoto Japanese
Hoshino, Momoko Supporting
Noda, Junko Japanese
Komori, Daisuke Supporting
Miyata, Kouki Japanese
Kawase, Ryouko Supporting
Endo, Kumiko Japanese
Shigeno, Hideki Supporting
Sakuya, Shunsuke Japanese
Shigeno, Shingo Supporting
Sasamoto, Yuuko Japanese
Sawamura, Ryouta Supporting
Nojima, Hirofumi Japanese

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