Score 8.00

ef: A Tale of Melodies.

Download full episodes ef: A Tale of Melodies., ef: A Tale of Melodies. english subbed, ef: A Tale of Melodies. eng sub, download ef: A Tale of Melodies. eng sub, stream ef: A Tale of Melodies. at The Anime Critic.
Status: Completed Studio: Released: 2008 Duration: 24 min. per ep. Season: Type: Episodes: 12 Posted by: AC Released on: Updated on:

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Synopsis ef: A Tale of Melodies.

In a story set years in the past, Himura Yuu is a studious and diligent young man intent solely on maintaining his top academic position at Otowa Academy. One day, he meets a mysterious girl named Amamiya Yuuko, who, to his surprise, recognizes him. Memories of a distant childhood, memories rather left forgotten… meeting Yuuko again will force Yuu to confront the regrets and sorrows of their collective pasts and presents.

In the present, Kuze Shuuichi may seem like a womanizer, but upon closer inspection, is a man who would rather be left alone. Hayama Mizuki, however, is not the type of girl who would let him be, especially after hearing the beautiful sounds of his violin performance. As Mizuki attempts to become closer to him, Kuze attempts to push her away—the tale of their budding relationship is darkened with undertones of an imminent tragedy.

Anime Review: ef: A Tale of Melodies

Today, we dive into the realm of emotional complexity and romantic drama that is ef: A Tale of Melodies. Drawn from the much acclaimed visual novel, this anime is an amalgamation of compelling story arcs, woven together by the threads of memory and time. Our story spans dual timelines that intricately connect a cast of characters as they hopscotch between their past and their present.

Tracing the lines of memory back to the past, one arc portrays the tale of the erstwhile art prodigy Hiro Hirono and his turbulent relationship with Miyako Miyamura, an enigmatic girl with a tragic past. Meanwhile, in the present, Renji Asou grapples with his aspiration to become a novelist and his budding love for Chihiro Shindou, who holds an unsual malady of her memory not surpassing thirteen hours due to a car accident in her childhood.

Storyline & Characters:

The first thing to note about ef: A Tale of Melodies, is that it’s not your typical high school-themed anime. It dives right into the heart of human emotions – fear, love, despair, longing, and most importantly, the concept of memory. The characterization is exceedingly well done and you’ll find yourself empathizing, crying, and laughing with them throughout their journey. It’s a total emotional rollercoaster!

Artwork & Animation:

The animation, as expected from Shaft studio, does justice to the intricate storyline. It’s bold, vibrant, and surrealistic, a style that perfectly complements the complex narrative. And with splashes of symbolic imagery strewn throughout, it’s hard not to be mesmerized!


The soundtrack of ef: A Tale of Melodies is absolutely breathtaking. It ebbs and flows with the narrative, heightening emotions when needed, but also adeptly pulling back to allow quieter moments of introspection. It flawlessly complements the storytelling, making this anime an exceptional aural delight.

Should you stream, rent, or buy?

If you’re up for a compelling tale that doesn’t shy away from the complex tapestry of emotions that make us human, ef: A Tale of Melodies is a must watch. It is a testament to the power of storytelling in anime and it will leave you reflecting for days after the final credits roll. So, in terms of viewing, I’d say go for it all – stream it if you want to catch it right away, rent it if you’re still unsure, or better yet buy it and enjoy this sublime narrative as many times as you want.

In conclusion, with strong characters, breathtaking visuals, an enthralling storyline and an wonderful soundtrack, ef: A Tale of Melodies makes its way into the must-watch list for any anime enthusiast!

ef: A Tale of Melodies.
8.00 / 10 Reviewer
{{ reviewsOverall }} / 10 Users (0 votes)
Ef: A Tale of Melodies masterfully combines beautifully animated visuals with a captivating, layered narrative that effortlessly switches perspectives. Its unique storytelling method and well-developed characters offer an emotional depth and honesty that will leave viewers invested in their journey.
The narrative can be quite complex and confusing, making it difficult for some viewers to follow. Not all characters receive equal development, which may leave certain storylines feeling incomplete.
Ef: A Tale of Melodies explores the emotional complexity of human connections in an artistic and emotional way. With a touch of mystery and memorable characters, this anime invites viewers on a poignant journey of love, loss and healing. The beautiful animation style complements the dramatic storyline, making it a captivating watch.
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Characters & Voice Actors

Amamiya, Yuuko Main
Nakajima, Yumiko Japanese
Himura, Yuu Main
Kuze, Shuuichi Main
Hamada, Kenji Japanese
Hayama, Mizuki Main
Gotou, Mai Japanese
Shindou, Chihiro Supporting
Yanase, Natsumi Japanese
Miyamura, Miyako Supporting
Taguchi, Hiroko Japanese
Asou, Renji Supporting
Takagi, Motoki Japanese
Hirono, Hiro Supporting
Shimono, Hiro Japanese
Shindou, Kei Supporting
Okada, Junko Japanese
Tsutsumi, Kyosuke Supporting
Tai, Yuuki Japanese

Download ef: A Tale of Melodies.


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