In a post-apocalyptic world, the last remaining human settlement in Japan is the heavily fortified city of Tokyo-3. Fourteen-year-old Shinji Ikari is brought to the headquarters of NERV, an underground organization lead by his estranged father, Gendou. He requests that Shinji become a pilot of an "Evangelion," a colossal android built to fight against monstrous and destructive alien creatures known as "Angels" that wreak havoc on the planet and threaten the survival of the remaining human race.
Although initially reluctant, Shinji is swayed by the idea of reconciling with his father, and agrees to aid in mankind's perilous endeavor against its alien threat, as the pilot of Evangelion Unit-01. Thrust into the midst of a dangerous battlefield, Shinji must find the necessary courage and resolve to face against the Angels' incursions before it is too late.
Review: Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone
Anime Synopsis
The film Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone is a unique retelling of the first six episodes of Neon Genesis Evangelion. Set in 2015, our world was devastated by a catastrophe known as “The Second Impact.” As a result, this catastrophic event left its indelible mark on humanity, opening the door for invading, interdimensional beings, classified as ‘Angels.’ NERV, a special agency under the United Nations, rises to combat these invaders with giant humanoid robots called Evangelions, piloted by troubled teenagers, embodying survival and desperation due to the gravity of the situation.
Our protagonist, Shinji Ikari, is a 14-year-old recluse who is reluctantly convinced by his estranged father, Gendo Ikari, to join NERV and become an Evangelion pilot. Shinji becomes an essential player in a critical survival game, balancing the fate of humankind on his frail shoulders. As he learns about the secrets of NERV and encounters other pilots, Shinji must fight powerful Angels on the front line while grappling with his personal demons.
Anime Review
From its inception, Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone establishes itself as not your typical mecha anime. It combines intense battles, rich philosophical discussions, and deep character studies in a beautifully drawn world. The animation is top-notch – truly a spectacle to behold. The battles between the Evangelions and the Angels are nail-bitingly tense, made even more complex with the intricate character dynamics and the looming mystery of the true nature of NERV.
The film’s storytelling displays considerable depth. Shinji’s struggle, his isolation, dilemmas, and fears, are poignant and captivating. The support characters are also well developed, particularly Misato Katsuragi and Rei Ayanami. This emphasis on character development makes Evangelion more than just another sci-fi anime; it’s a story about self-discovery, humanity, and our place in the world in the face of adversity.
The audiovisual aspects are formidable. Shiro Sagisu’s soundtrack elevates the emotional argument of the movie, enhancing the overall impact and adding more weight to its dramatic set pieces. The voice acting, both in Japanese and English, is expressive and impactful, further immersing you into the world of these characters.
Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone is rich with symbolism and thematic complexities that will inspire thought-provoking discussions. It is a compelling blend of gripping human drama and blockbuster action. Its narrative doesn’t shy away from exploring profound existential questions, making it an emotionally intense and intellectually rewarding experience. Come for the epic mech battles, stay for the captivating narrative.
Whether you intend to rent, buy, or stream, this film is undoubtedly worth your time and money. Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone is not just an anime film; it’s a moving portrait of the human condition. It commands your attention, demands your interpretation, and is resilient to forget. A must-watch for all anime and non-anime fans alike!
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