Two years after saving the world from a cataclysmic event, the members of the activist organization Avalanche have gone their separate ways. Tifa Lockhart opens a new bar, and her childhood friend Cloud Strife starts up a motorcycle-based courier service. Although most of their former allies have fallen out of touch, Cloud and Tifa live in fragile peace with their two young wards Marlene and Denzel.
Their life together begins to crumble as a contagious plague and overwhelming grief pull Cloud away from his newfound family. While distancing himself through his work, Cloud is attacked by three silver-haired figures in black uniforms who bear a passing resemblance to his bitter rival, Sephiroth. As the antagonistic trio stalks Cloud and brings harm to his loved ones, the former mercenary struggles against his own demons while fighting to protect his family and prevent the will of Sephiroth from returning to the planet.
Descending into the captivating world of Final Fantasy VII, ‘Advent Children Complete’ picks up where the beloved game left off. Set two years after the defeat of Sephiroth, we see the world faced with a challenge as enigmatic as it is deadly. A collective disease known as ‘Geostigma’, derived from the remnants of our foe, spreads rapidly throughout the populace, and there seems to be no possible cure.
All hope seems lost until we meet our familiar hero, Cloud Strife, living out his days in isolation, plagued by guilt over past events. The advent of an unexpected danger in the form of three mysterious Nebulous-like figures searching for their “mother” sends Cloud out of his comfort zone amidst the turmoil, setting the scene for an epic adventure that matches, if not surpasses, its predecessor.
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Complete delivers what it promises—an expanded universe which delves deeper into the minds and hearts of familiar characters. The storyline capably explores the concept of redemption while handling personal struggles without diluting the thrill of the journey.
If I had to refer to pure visual brilliance, Advent Children Complete would top that list. A feat in cinematic animation, the film’s visual masterpiece serves to be a fitting tribute to the original game. It captures the very essence of Final Fantasy VII, presenting it in a grandeur previously only imagined by the franchise’s fans.
The sound design is everlasting, and the original score by Nobuo Uematsu is hauntingly beautiful, further solidifying the film’s place as a worthy successor to the game. From the emotional melodies to the heavy battle sequences, the music equips the audience with an auditory journey as enriching as its visual counterpart.
All said and done, Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Complete not only pays homage to an epoch of gaming history but also stands strong as a full-length feature film. It manages to deliver a well-paced narrative with emotional weight and a beautifully designed universe.
So, should you rent, buy, or stream it? A solid recommendation comes from this Anime Critic in favour of buying it. Given its striking depth and character development, it warrants closer and repeated views that a single watch may not suffice. Buy it, re-live the nostalgia of the original Final Fantasy VII, and immerse yourself in a story that will leave you wanting more.
RATING: 4.5/5
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Complete tells an emotional tale and presents it with stunning visual and sound design, and for these reasons, it scores a high 4.5 on our scale. This is a must-watch, especially for Final Fantasy veterans and newcomers alike who wish to witness the franchise in all its resplendent glory.
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