Score 7.94

Hikaru no Go: Hokuto Hai e no Michi

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Status: Completed Studio: Released: 2004 Duration: 1 hr. 17 min. Type: Episodes: 1 Posted by: AC Released on: Updated on:

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Synopsis Hikaru no Go: Hokuto Hai e no Michi

Hikaru is given a phone call asking him to appear in the Japan/China/Korea Junior's Tournament but he finds out he will have to take place in a preliminary tournament to choose Japan's three contestants. Upon discussing this with Akira, he discovers that Akira has already been chosen for the tournament and will not be taking place in the preliminaries. Hikaru then decides not to visit Akira's Go Salon until he takes his place on the team with Akira. That may be tougher than originally planned, as not only does Hikaru have to battle with old friends for one of two coveted spots, but he may have a new challenger, in a promising player from the Kansai Go Institute.

(Source: ANN)

Fans of the captivating game of Go, gather around, because we are about to embark on a journey through the whimsical world of the anime series : Hikaru no Go: Hokuto Hai e no Michi. Set against the backdrop of the ancient strategic board game, our protagonist, Hikaru, discovers a dusty old Go board in his grandfather’s attic. Inside the board, dwells Fujiwara-no-Sai, a Go master from the Heian era, who’s sole desire is to achieve the Kami no Itte, or the Hand of God. Sai strikes a deal with Hikaru, who unknowingly had the unique ability to house Sai in his consciousness, beginning an epic journey of friendship, rivalry, and the pursuit of the ultimate strategy.

Hikaru’s life dramatically evolves from a carefree middle-schooler to a determined Go player, guided by Sai’s centuries of knowledge and expertise. He takes on the elite world of professional Go, including his rival, Akira Touya, the son of the reigning champion, who becomes obsessed with Hikaru’s unexplainable talent. Hikaru No Go showcases Sai’s longing to accomplish the Hand of God and Hikaru’s relentless quest to make Sai’s dream a reality, whilst battling the hard-hitting struggles of adolescence and the competitive aura of the Go world.

Review: Hikaru no Go: Hokuto Hai e no Michi
This is not just a story about a board game, it’s about growing up, facing hardships, rivalry, and chasing after seemingly unattainable dreams. Hikaru no Go: Hokuto Hai e no Michi, successfully manages to make an apparent simple game of Go intriguing and captivating to the viewer. The unraveling of the strategies of Go, its impact on the characters’ lives, and the anime’s intense dramatic moments bring you to the edge of your seat.

The series is portrayed beautifully, showcasing the rewarding journey of a casual player scaling the wall of becoming a professional Go champion. The two seemingly distinct characters, Hikaru, a novice, and Sai, a legendary master, blend harmoniously to depict a well-articulated character arch with vast emotional depth. The relationship between Hikaru and Sai goes from an accidental ghost summoning to a friendship carved out of mutual respect and understanding, forming one of the most heart-warming elements of the series.

From the animation enthusiasts’ perspective, the artwork is traditional, reflecting the essence of the ancient game, with character designs that are pleasing and strikingly unique. The backgrounds are detailed and aid in telling the story precisely, all directed by the renowned Tetsuya Endo, whose art direction completely justifies the genre of the series, a fusion of traditional and modern anime.

The narrative focuses on the grueling world of professional Go, yet it does not fail to touch upon the subtle nuances of the characters’ personal lives and their emotional turmoils. Terms associated with the game are easily comprehensible, making it engaging even for those unfamiliar with the game. The series leaves you with an understanding of the complexity and beauty of Go, appreciating Sai’s love and devotion towards it.

In conclusion, Hikaru No Go: Hokuto Hai e no Michi takes an unconventional subject and turns it into a intriguing series that keeps you hooked from beginning to end. The anime juggles between captivating gameplay, engaging storytelling, and a deep emotional connect, making this series a must-watch, even if you are a newbie in the world of Go. So, whether you decide to rent, buy, or stream, this engaging anime won’t disappoint.

Overall, Hikaru no Go is an excellent anime worthy of a high recommendation, a perfectly paced symphony of emotions intertwined with the beauty and strategic depths of Go.

Hikaru no Go: Hokuto Hai e no Michi
7.94 / 10 Reviewer
{{ reviewsOverall }} / 10 Users (0 votes)
The anime stands out with its detailed and engaging presentation of the game "Go," introducing complex strategies with ease. It offers excellent character development and an engaging storyline that keeps the audience intrigued, even if they are not familiar with the game.
The anime focuses heavily on the game of Go, which can be difficult for viewers unfamiliar with the game to understand. Additionally, some might find the pace of the show to be slow as it puts a lot of emphasis on the character development and their interactions.
Explore the world of ancient board games with the anime, Hikaru no Go: Hokuto Hai e no Michi. This review delves into the development of the series' protagonist, Hikaru Shindou, as he navigates through the high-pressure life of professional Go. A must-read for those who enjoy a mix of strategy, drama, and real-life challenges in their anime storylines.
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Characters & Voice Actors

Shindou, Hikaru Main
Kawakami, Tomoko Japanese
Touya, Akira Main
Kobayashi, Sanae Japanese
Waya, Yoshitaka Supporting
Takagi, Reiko Japanese
Isumi, Shinichiro Supporting
Ogata, Seiji Supporting
Fujiwara, Keiji Japanese
Fujisaki, Akari Supporting
Kakazu, Yumi Japanese
Kurata, Atsushi Supporting
Iwata, Mitsuo Japanese
Kuwabara, Honinbou Supporting
Naya, Rokurou Japanese
Ochi, Kousuke Supporting
Matsuoka, Youko Japanese
Shindou, Father Supporting
Chiba, Susumu Japanese

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