The majority of the Matsuno household is comprised of six identical siblings: self-centered leader Osomatsu, manly Karamatsu, voice of reason Choromatsu, cynical Ichimatsu, hyperactive Juushimatsu, and lovable Todomatsu. Despite each one of them being over the age of 20, they are incredibly lazy and have absolutely no motivation to get a job, choosing to live as NEETs instead. In the rare occurrence that they try to look for employment and are somehow able to land an interview, their unique personalities generally lead to their swift rejection.
From trying to pick up girlfriends to finding the perfect job, the daily activities of the Matsuno brothers are never dull as they go on all sorts of crazy, and often downright bizarre, adventures. Though they desperately search for a way to improve their social standing, it won't be possible if they can't survive the various challenges that come with being sextuplets!
Osomatsu-san: A Delightful Ride Into Sibling-hood!
Get ready folks, because we are about to delve into the world of six identical troublemaking brothers in the hilarious, vibrant, and occasionally poignant anime, Osomatsu-san! This modern spin-off of Fujio Akatsuka’s classic 1960s manga series, Osomatsu-kun, presents a quirky comedy centered around the misadventures of the grown-up sextuplets – Osomatsu, Karamatsu, Choromatsu, Ichimatsu, Jushimatsu, and Todomatsu.
Osomatsu-san is a slice-of-life comedy anime series that defies general classification. The sextuplets, led by the eldest brother, Osomatsu, are appalling NEETs (Not in education, employment, or training) who experience various everyday situations. However, in these brothers’ hands, commonplace experiences become unbelievably hilarious adventures accentuated by bizarre happenings and funny reactions. This show is a blend of modern societal problems, traditional slapstick humor, and occasional meta-commentary on the anime industry, creating a comedic cocktail that will leave viewers in stitches.
Unruly and Unique – The Characters and Plot Exploration
Osomatsu-san puts you up close and personal with the sextuplets, who don’t shy away from engaging with the viewers directly through breaking the fourth wall. Each brother has a distinct personality quirk that sets him apart, creating a balance of idiocy, naivety, and sheer absurdity that leads to some truly memorable comedic encounters. This dive into their individual personas not only elevates the humor but also encourages an emotional connection with the characters as the series proceeds.
Breathtakingly Bold – The Animation and Sound
The animation of Osomatsu-san is breath-takingly bold! The show is not afraid to experiment with animation styles and uses various visual tricks to enhance the comedic effect. The vibrant character designs and exaggerated expressions add a new level of hilarity to the situations. Complementing the visuals is an energetic soundtrack that seamlessly transitions between comedic, poignant, and dramatic moments.
Sibling Antics Galore – Overall Impressions
Osomatsu-san is a wild roller coaster that will take you through laugh-out-loud comedy, heartwarming family moments, self-reflection, and pure absurdity. Its unique humor might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but the charm of Osomatsu-san lies in its unpredictable storytelling and the close bond shared by the sextuplets.
To rent, buy, or stream? Well, if you’re a fan of quirky comedy anime with a slice-of-life charm, Osomatsu-san is a must-watch. You might not just want to stream this show, but have it in your collection to revisit the brothers and their antics time and again!
Osomatsu-san is chaos, hilarity, and love wrapped up in two dozen episodes – an anime gift that keeps on giving!
Rating: 9/10
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