Score 7.93

Usagi Drop Specials

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Status: Completed Studio: Released: 2011 Duration: 5 min. per ep. Type: Episodes: 4 Posted by: AC Released on: Updated on:

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Synopsis Usagi Drop Specials

Happa no Suizokukan
One morning, Daikichi Kawachi finds Rin Kaga eagerly crafting fish out of autumn leaves. Wanting to spur her newfound interest, Daikichi helps Rin learn more about the beautiful and diverse animals that live under the sea.

Santa-san e
Spending their first Christmas together, Daikichi and Rin prepare to welcome Santa Claus and his reindeer.

Osora ni Mankai
With the cherry blossoms in full bloom, Rin wants to go flower watching the next day with Daikichi alongside Kouki and Yukari Nitani. However, the forecast of a spring storm may dampen their plans.

Kaeri Michi
After their visit to a summer festival, Kouki is still energetic and wishes to look around more. Daikichi decides to take the group on a quick detour before heading home.

Marvels in Miniature: A Review of Usagi Drop Specials

Meet Daikichi, a 30-year old bachelor whose life takes an unexpected turn when his grandfather passes away, leaving behind Rin, a six-year-old girl who is allegedly his grandfather’s illegitimate child. With the rest of the family refusing to take in Rin due to the circumstances, Daikichi opens his heart and home to the girl, neither of them realising the profound impact they will have on each other’s lives.

Usagi Drop is a heart-warming slice-of-life anime series and the Specials consist of a series of short episodes that provide additional vignettes to Daikichi and Rin’s evolving relationship. They highlight the simple joys and trials of day-to-day life, further deepening the bond between the unlikely pair and shedding light on Rin’s developing personality.

The Anime Critic’s Review

The ‘Usagi Drop Specials’ are a delightful addition to the main series, running in parallel, these small slice-of-life episodes add depth to the characters and provide a fuller picture of Rin’s world. While each episode is less than five minutes, they’re packed with heartwarming content and the kind of insightful character development we love in the main series.

The animation remains uniformly excellent, with Production I.G demonstrating yet again why they’re one of the best in the business. The simple yet lush visuals create an immersive environment, and the beautiful attention to detail in each frame is sure to mesmerize the viewer.

Perhaps the most compelling aspect of these specials, however, is the depth they add to our protagonists. Each mini-episode is a window into their day-to-day lives, and every interaction feels sincere and full of heart. In fact, one would argue that this focus on the minutiae of their routines only serves to enhance the narrative of Usagi Drop, making this series a must-watch for fans of the original.

Should You Watch It?

If you’re a fan of the original Usagi Drop series or simply someone looking for a heartwarming and rewarding anime experience, these specials are well worth your time. Whether you choose to rent, buy, or stream, I promise you won’t be disappointed. They encapsulate the charm of the main series, manage to shine in their own right, and are a testament to the storytelling prowess of Usagi Drop.

Fans will also appreciate the beautiful Blu-Ray collector’s edition available for purchase, which not only includes all the specials but also features stunning cover art designed to catch the eye of any anime aficionado. Streaming options are also abundant, offering HD quality viewing available at the click of a button.

Usagi Drop Specials
7.93 / 10 Reviewer
{{ reviewsOverall }} / 10 Users (0 votes)
The Usagi Drop Specials offer a wonderfully wholesome extension of the original series, providing more heartwarming interactions between the characters. The slice-of-life portrayal is accentuated here with adorable episodes that give fans more insight into the development of the characters.
The Usagi Drop Specials can feel a bit rushed, not providing enough depth and room for character development as in the main series. They may also be disappointing for those viewers who expect major plot advancements or epic twists, as they primarily focus on daily routine scenarios without introducing any significant changes or surprises.
Explore more depth of heartwarming father-daughter relationship with Usagi Drop Specials. As an extension of the original story, these specials shine light on the adorable, everyday adventures of Daikichi and Rin. A must-watch for the fans who wish to see more of their sweet bonding and familial moments.
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Characters & Voice Actors

Kaga, Rin Main
Matsuura, Ayu Japanese
Kawachi, Daikichi Main
Nitani, Yukari Main
Ohara, Sayaka Japanese
Nitani, Kouki Main
Sakai, Noa Japanese
Maeda, Haruko Supporting
Ueda, Kana Japanese

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