The story revolves around D, the infamous "dhampir" (born of a vampire father and a human mother) outcast and renowned vampire hunter. His prowess at hunting the creatures of the night allowing his acceptance among humans, he is called upon to locate Charlotte Elbourne, the lovely daughter of an affluent family who has been mysteriously kidnapped.
When the sun sets, the hunt goes on! Charlotte's father offers a rich bounty, be she dead or alive, a task D willingly accepts, even with notorious Markus brothers and their gang of bounty hunters seeking the prize as well. Amidst the chase and unknown to all lurks, a sinister evil which has been secretly manipulating their every move and has set a chilling trap that none will expect and few will survive. With the tables turned and the secrets revealed, the hunters could quickly become the hunted!
(Source: AniDB)
A Journey of Nightmares and Dreams: A Review of Vampire Hunter D (2000)
Set in a post-apocalyptic future ravaged by an ancient vampire oligarchy, Vampire Hunter D (2000) introduces us to a world that is as hauntingly beautiful as it is perilous. The story is centered on a half-vampire half-human being known as ‘D’, a vampire hunter who is a loner by nature and a force to be reckoned with – he is as enigmatic as the world that surrounds him. Operating in the year 12,090 A.D, D faces numerous threats, from denizens of darkness, to vampire lords, and complicated human emotions.
When the engrossingly beautiful Doris Lang falls prey to the charismatic yet ruthless vampire lord known as Count Lee, she hires D to help fend off Lee and his monstrous legion while throwing him into a kaleidoscopic world of ancient aristocracy, ghoulish predators, and deadly rivalry. All the while, ‘D’ has to grapple with his own dual nature indeed making for a captivating storyline that demands your attention from start to finish.
Animation and Artistry
Vampire Hunter D (2000) ups the anime game with its extraordinary detail in art and animation. The character designs, credited to Yoshitaka Amano and Yutaka Minowa, veer from pure gothic to fantasy, with minute attention to every aspect that renders an air of authenticity to this dystopian world. The color palette cleverly alternates between dark and ominous hues to gorgeously vibrant scenes, enhancing the evocative atmosphere of the series.
Character Development
As far as character development goes, ‘D’ stands out as an enigmatic and complex protagonist, rarely seen in this genre. His silent demeanor hides a tumultuous inner turmoil and a painful past, making him fascinating and relatable. Doris is strong, fierce, and struggles with her own set of problems, adding a layer of depth to her character. The villains are not your typical one-dimensional antagonists, but rather provide intrigue and further the complex web of the narrative.
Soundtrack and Voice Acting
The music, composed by Marco D’Ambrosio, perfectly complements the gothic ambiance of the anime, making for an eerily beautiful auditory experience. And let’s not forget the voice acting – it’s top-notch, with each character being vividly brought to life, especially Andrew Philpot as ‘D’ who portrays the perfect balance between melancholy and stoic determination.
Final Verdict
In conclusion, Vampire Hunter D (2000) is a must-see on every anime aficionado’s list. It offers an absorbing narrative, beautiful animation, distinct characters, and a mesmerizing musical score that will leave you spellbound. Whether to rent, buy, or stream, Vampire Hunter D (2000) is an investment of time and emotions that you will not regret.
As anime nail biters go, Vampire Hunter D (2000) manages to provide edge-of-the-seat entertainment while immersing you in a gorgeously haunting world that leaves a lasting impression. Thus, it earns a well-deserved 9.0/10 on The Anime Critic’s scale. Favorite it, purchase it, or stream it – do as you please, folks! Just don’t miss out on this journey of nightmares and dreams.
Until next time, stay tuned!
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