Score 7.82

Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio: Ars Nova Movie 2 – Cadenza

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Status: Completed Studio: Released: 2015 Duration: 1 hr. 44 min. Type: Episodes: 1 Posted by: AC Released on: Updated on:

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Synopsis Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio: Ars Nova Movie 2 - Cadenza

The group of privateers known as the Blue Steel continues their mission to deliver blueprints of the Vibration Warhead Torpedo—a weapon that may turn the tides of war in their favor—to the United States. However, a new threat arises from their enemy, the overwhelming Fleet of Fog in the form of "The Student Council.," This is a group of warships composed of the remaining Mental Models—the ships' humanoid avatars—who have yet to face the unpredictable captain of the Blue Steel, Gunzou Chihaya.

As the Blue Steel gets closer to understanding the origins of the authority controlling the enemy, Iona's past starts to reveal why the war began and her reason for siding with humanity.

The Anime Critic Reviews: Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio: Ars Nova Movie 2 – Cadenza

Movie Synopsis

The epic saga continues with Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio: Ars Nova Movie 2 – Cadenza, with the story once again plunging us into a world where humanity has been pushed to near extinction by the ‘Fleet of Fog’. These sentient warships, sporting highly advanced weaponry and defense mechanisms, lay claim to the entire world’s oceans, isolating the continents and bringing humanity to its knees. Our only hope rests on a rogue ‘Fleet of Fog’ submarine, Blue Steel, which has betrayed its own kind to ally with humans.

The second film picks up where the first left off, focusing on Gunzou Chihaya, the captain of Blue Steel, and his supernaturally gifted first-mate Iona. Their shared determination to free humanity from the Fleet of Fog’s stranglehold has brought them to a new stage of the battle. They embark on a bold endeavor to negotiate with the Fleet of Fog’s second in command – a move that could alter the course of the war. However, as their showdown draws near, they must contend with the personal conflicts and political intrigues that threaten to unravel their movement from within.


Right off the bat, Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio: Ars Nova Movie 2 – Cadenza is a technical treat. The animation is fluid, the character designs are sharp and engaging, and the Fleet of Fog’s warships, in particular, are a marvel to behold.

The fight sequences are choreographed in such a dynamic, imaginative manner that it leaves the viewer craving for more. The use of CGI for these battles is what sets this movie apart from the typical fare – it adds that extra level of polish, enhancing the immersive, high-stakes nature of the plot.

While the visuals are praiseworthy, it’s the character development that truly shines in this installment. Captain Gunzou gets a deeper, more thorough exploration of his character, providing viewers a closer look at the man beneath the commander’s cap. And the chemistry between Gunzou and Iona remains the heart of the series, continuing to captivate with their evolving dynamics.

Moreover, the Japanese voice-acting performances are top-notch as always. Particularly noteworthy is Kazuyuki Okitsu, who delivers a powerful performance as Gunzou Chihaya, hitting all the right emotional beats.

The narrative also successfully maintains a balance between the complex political maneuvers and fast-paced action scenes. There’s never a dull moment with plot points that are intriguing, suspenseful, and emotionally hard-hitting all at once.

The one slight downside could be the movie’s extreme reliance on viewers being well-versed with the first movie or the original series. For newcomers to the franchise, it might be a bit confusing, but it does little to detract from the overall enjoyment once you’re aware of the backstory.

Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio: Ars Nova Movie 2 – Cadenza is an exhilarating sequel that successfully builds upon its predecessor. From its beautiful animation to compelling characters, this film hits all the high notes of a fantastic anime.

Final Verdict

Whether you’re a seasoned fan of the series or a newcomer who appreciates quality action-packed anime, this movie is a must-watch. I strongly recommend buying or streaming it if you’re in for a thrilling cinematic experience. This film triumphantly carves out a place for itself in the world of anime, and it’s an adventure well-worth embarking on!

Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio: Ars Nova Movie 2 - Cadenza
7.82 / 10 Reviewer
{{ reviewsOverall }} / 10 Users (0 votes)
The anime movie offers amazing graphics and an engaging storyline filled with twists and surprises. The character development, as well as the interaction between the characters, add depth to the protagonist's saga.
The animation style undergoes shifts between 3D and 2D which can be jarring and inconsistent at times. Some fans of the original series might be disappointed with the altered character development and storyline in the movie.
In the second installment of the Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio: Ars Nova series, fans are taken on an exhilarating and emotional roller-coaster ride. The movie blends impressive battles, in-depth characterizations, and believable relationships to keep its audience engaged. Although it's a sequel, Cadenza can be enjoyed on its own, but binge-watching the series truly brings out the depth and appeal of this anime.
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Characters & Voice Actors

Iona Main
Fuchigami, Mai Japanese
Chihaya, Gunzou Main
Okitsu, Kazuyuki Japanese
Takao Supporting
Numakura, Manami Japanese
Kongou Supporting
Yukana Japanese
Haruna Supporting
Yamamura, Hibiku Japanese
Musashi Supporting
Kugimiya, Rie Japanese
Kirishima Supporting
Uchiyama, Yumi Japanese
Hyuuga Supporting
Fujita, Saki Japanese
Yamato Supporting
Nakahara, Mai Japanese
Nachi Supporting
Satou, Satomi Japanese

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