Score 7.89

Free! Eternal Summer: Kindan no All Hard!

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Status: Completed Studio: , Released: 2015 Duration: 23 min. Type: Episodes: 1 Posted by: AC Released on: Updated on:

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Synopsis Free! Eternal Summer: Kindan no All Hard!

Unaired episode included with volume 7 of the Blu-ray/DVD.



Free! Eternal Summer: Kindan no All Hard! is a special episode of the heartwarming and adrenaline-pulsing sports anime series Free! Eternal Summer. The episode transports us back to the world of competitive high school swimming, spotlighting the unyielding camaraderie of the Iwatobi Swim Club. This standalone edition sees our beloved protagonists – Haruka, Makoto, Nagisa, Rei, and Rin, thrown into a quirky and exciting scenario, which veers slightly from the main series yet never strays from its core theme of friendship and competitive spirit.

This particular episode is set in a parallel world where the characters engage in a thrilling treasure hunt adventure inside their school. The treasure, a famed “All Hard,” comes with a mysterious association with enormous power and a stirring backstory. As the story unfolds, a blend of comedy, mystery, and the classic sports element are expertly meshed, providing a fresh perspective on the beloved characters and plot.


Story and Character Development

The narrative framework of Free! Eternal Summer: Kindan no All Hard! offers an unusual environment for our characters to interact and develop. But what’s interesting is how efficiently this episode interweaves the characters’ distinct personalities into the narrative and sprinkles tidbits of growth and revelation into a rather uncommon plot. It superbly splices a tinge of drama with ample comedy, while keeping the essence of the characters intact.

Animation and Music

Free! Eternal Summer: Kindan no All Hard! stands true to the commendable animation quality of “Free!” franchise. The episode is a harmonious blend of bold colors, dynamic movements, and well-detailed backgrounds. The treasure hunt scenes, in particular, are a visual treat, making use of inventive transitions and compelling visual cues that keep the suspense alive. On the music front, the background tracks elevate the exciting moments, and the Insert Songs, are well placed, complementing the over-the-top, fun vibe of the episode.

Overall Rating: Should You Watch It?

If you’re a fan of the Free! series and adore the characters, Free! Eternal Summer: Kindan no All Hard! is a delightful viewing experience, providing a novel spin on the daily lives of the Iwatobi Swim Club. It’s a must-watch for all Free! enthusiasts.

However, if you’re new to the series, it is recommended to experience the main series before delving into this episode. This will allow you to fully appreciate the character dynamics and understand the underlying humour. While the episode can surely be watched in isolation, knowing the characters beforehand will significantly enhance the experience.

In conclusion, Free! Eternal Summer: Kindan no All Hard! creatively ventures beyond the realms of competitive swimming, delivering a fresh side of our characters. It’s a perfect blend of humor, suspense, engaging character interactions, fantastic animation, and fitting music. Rent, buy, or stream it; just make sure you dive right into this adventure! Happy watching!

Free! Eternal Summer: Kindan no All Hard!
7.89 / 10 Reviewer
{{ reviewsOverall }} / 10 Users (0 votes)
This anime beautifully focuses on character development and sportsmanship. The balance of drama and comedy coupled with superb animation makes it an engaging watch.
The main con of Free! Eternal Summer: Kindan no All Hard! is its length, as it feels extremely short and fails to provide any significant character development. Additionally, some fans may not appreciate the overemphasis on fan service at the cost of plot progression.
The review of the anime "Free! Eternal Summer: Kindan no All Hard!" dives into the journey of a group of young swimmers bringing out the essence of friendship, competition, and personal growth. It delves into the vivid characters and their passion for swimming while maintaining exciting humor and suspense. The review emphasizes the anime's ability to touch the heart with emotional intensity supplemented with high-quality animation and remarkable voice acting.
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Characters & Voice Actors

Matsuoka, Rin Main
Miyano, Mamoru Japanese
Tachibana, Makoto Main
Nanase, Haruka Main
Hazuki, Nagisa Main
Yonaga, Tsubasa Japanese
Ryuugazaki, Rei Main
Yamazaki, Sousuke Main
Mikoshiba, Momotarou Main
Nitori, Aiichirou Main
Miyata, Kouki Japanese
Matsuoka, Gou Supporting
Watanabe, Akeno Japanese
Shigino, Kisumi Supporting
Suzuki, Chihiro Japanese

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