Score 7.86

Umibe no Étranger

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Status: Completed Studio: Released: 2020 Duration: 58 min. Type: Episodes: 1 Posted by: AC Released on: Updated on:

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Synopsis Umibe no Étranger

Shun Hashimoto is an openly gay aspiring novelist living in Okinawa who was abandoned by his parents after coming out to them. Mio Chibana is a reserved, orphaned high school student, often found spending his time by the sea. One day, the two meet on the beach, and Shun is instantly captivated by Mio. The days fly by as they slowly begin to grow closer until Mio suddenly announces that he has to leave for the mainland.

Three years pass before a 20-year-old Mio returns to Okinawa to confess his love to Shun. However, in those three years, Shun's life has changed. Will he be able to accept Mio's feelings and make such a commitment?

Synopsis of Umibe no Étranger

Experience a tangy tale of love and self-discovery tucked away on an idyllic Japanese beachside, as we dive into the animated world of Umibe no Étranger, also known as L’Étranger de la Plage or The Stranger by the Shore. The story revolves around two boys, Shun Hashimoto and Mio Chibana, who cross paths in a sweet but fleeting summer romance that promises to stir your deepest emotions.

Shun, an aspiring novelist, meets Mio, a quiet boy orphaned by his parents, on the beach one day. They form a beautiful bond that, for reasons that’ll unfold, gets cut short, leaving them both longing for more. Fast forward a few years, Mio reappears, now all grown-up and ready to confront his feelings for Shun that he was too young to understand before. What follows is a breath-taking journey of love, acceptance, and self-discovery.

Review of Umibe no Étranger

Strap in, anime enthusiasts, because Umibe no Étranger is set to take you on a stunning roller-coaster of emotions that will leave you clutching your heart. Its relatably real characters, immersive plotline, and flawless animation make it an absolute must for any anime fan hoping to dive into a captivating love story.

Firstly, Umibe no Étranger does an outstanding job of carefully crafting its characters. Shun and Mio are far from your run-of-the-mill anime boys. They are real, genuine, and layered, with personalities that are capable of invoking a whirlpool of emotions within you. Shun, with his struggle as an aspiring novelist and Mio, with his journey-gateway to self-discovery, won’t just resonate with you. You will live their story.

Secondly, the animation is an absolute feast for the eyes! The colors, the art style, the character designs – it’s like watching a beautiful painting come to life. Kudos to Studio Hibari! Plus, the scenic imagery of the seaside could easily make you want to book a one-way ticket to the Japanese countryside.

Let’s also address the much-praised elephant in the room: the representation of LGBTQ+ relationships in this film. As a same-sex love story, Umibe no Étranger gracefully handles its subject. The romance between Shun and Mio is never fetishized or over-dramatized. Instead, it’s a wholesome exploration of their love that refreshingly breaks away from the stereotypical portrayals.

However, the anime does falter a littler on pacing. The story sometimes feels rushed, leaving you wanting for more character development. But, considering it’s only a one-hour movie, a few cut corners are understandable.

Overall, Umibe no Étranger offers a refreshing take in the world of anime. It’s a beautifully emotional and visually vibrant piece that will warm the coldest of hearts. Whether you decide to stream it, rent it, or buy it permanently, prepare for a beautiful and unforgettable journey!

Umibe no Étranger
7.86 / 10 Reviewer
{{ reviewsOverall }} / 10 Users (0 votes)
Umibe no Étranger is beautifully animated with a heartfelt, emotionally engaging storyline. The characters are well-developed, exploring intricate dynamics, while the pacing leaves ample time for the audience to form a bond with them.
Despite its gorgeous animation and heartwarming story, Umibe no Étranger's plot lacks depth and complexity, making it somewhat predictable. Additionally, the film’s run time is quite short, leaving a lack of character development and exploration of their backgrounds.
Umibe no Étranger is a delicate exploration of a blossoming romance between two young men. Amid the tranquil seaside setting, the anime portrays an emotional journey that addresses themes of acceptance, love, and personal struggles. It's poignant plot and well-designed characters have made it a must-see, invoking a rushing wave of raw emotion and stunningly beautiful animation.
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Characters & Voice Actors

Chibana, Mio Main
Hashimoto, Shun Main
Murata, Taishi Japanese
Eri Supporting
Itou, Kanae Japanese
Suzu Supporting
Nakaya, Sayaka Japanese
Sakurako Supporting
Shimamura, Yuu Japanese
Oba-chan Supporting
Satou, Hana Japanese
Mio's Mother Supporting
Inagawa, Eri Japanese

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