The plot revolves around Doki, a female rabbit, meeting, falling in love with, and chasing Nabi, a male cat, in a world where love between the two species is socially unacceptable. The theme of the short is that all love can be accepted and has a chance. Nabi attempts to cure Doki’s infatuation for him, but after seeing the extent of her love, he gives in and finds something he can appreciate in her.
(Source: Wikipedia)
Story Synopsis
From the witty minds of Korean creators SamBakZa, comes the charming and heartwarming anime series “There She Is!!”. A tale that brings the unlikely love story of a boisterous rabbit and a shy cat to life, this short film animation series skillfully explores the themes of forbidden love, social prejudice, and perseverance against all odds.
The story revolves around the main characters, Doki the rabbit and Nabi the cat who live in a world where love between different species is stigmatized. The narrative takes its audiences through their struggle to maintain their undying affection for each other, despite the monumental challenges they face. The series takes a gentle and sincere approach to the subject, weaving a story that’s as deeply engaging as it is profoundly poignant.
There She Is!!: A Review
Firstly, the animation in “There She Is!!” is phenomenal. The hand-drawn style provides a unique aesthetic that complements the storytelling beautifully. It’s vibrant, dynamic, and filled with whimsical charm. The team at SamBakZa has crafted a world that is simple yet richly detailed, helping the story capture the viewer’s imagination in a way that most animes simply don’t. It’s a different experience that breaks away from the norm, and that’s one of the many reasons why “There She Is!!” shines brightly!
Something else that sets “There She Is!!” apart is its lack of dialogue. Yes, you heard it right, this is a story told entirely through actions, expressions, and music! And let me tell you, the experience is simply remarkable. The creators have done an incredible job in making each character’s emotions visible and real. Despite the limited communication, you’ll find yourself deeply invested in Doki and Nabi’s relationship, cheering for them in their ups and downs.
The message of the show, delivered with brilliance and buoyancy, is yet another of its wonderful aspects. “There She I!!” candidly deals with the topic of societal prejudice, and how it can affect love and relationships. It brings depth and weight to the narrative, giving you plenty to think about even after the final credit rolls.
Throughout its runtime, “There She Is!!” never loses sight of its prime objective: to deliver a captivating love story. With an enchanting, jubilant soundtrack, memorable characters, and an immersive, thoughtful story, “There She Is!!” is a true gem in the world of anime.
So, should you rent, buy, or stream “There She Is!!”? In my humble opinion, any kind of commitment to this anime will offer you an entertaining and thoughtful viewing experience. It’s a wonderful example of the narrative and aesthetic potential of anime. Be it for its artistic style, poignant storytelling, or unforgettable characters, “There She Is!!” is a must-watch!
With that said, I’ll sign off with an enthusiastic thumbs-up for “There She Is!!”. If you’re an anime enthusiast or someone looking for a delightful and valuable viewing experience, give this series a try. You won’t be disappointed!
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