Fall 1977

Ie Naki Ko

Madhouse, TMS Entertainment
51 episodes · TV Completed

Remi is a boy living happily with his mother in the French countryside. But everything changes when his estranged father comes home and, in desperate need of money, reveals that Remi is adopted, and sells him. Heartbroken, Remi ends up with Vitalis, a traveling musician, and his troupe of animal entertainers. Together, they travel the country in search for Remi's real parents, along the way learning the harsh lessons of life. A deeply moving story about friendship, loss and the pursuit of happiness.

(Source: AniDB)

‘Ie Naki Ko: A Classic Revisited’

Greetings, anime enthusiasts! Today, your trusted Anime Critic, is here to dissect and delve into the heart of a true classic, a gem often hidden under the glamour of the new-age anime – ‘Ie Naki Ko’ or ‘Nobody’s Boy: Remi’.

Before we immerse ourselves in the relevancy of this epic saga, let me paint you a brief picture of the storyline, without divulging into spoiler territories, of course. Our title character, Remi, is a young boy blissfully living in a French village with what he believes to be his loving family. His life, as he knows it, is transformed when he discovers that he is, in truth, an orphan, and what ensnares next is a heartbreaking yet inspiring journey of his life as he gets sold to a traveling artist and must navigate the world all by himself.

‘Ie Naki Ko’ is a voyage of self-discovery, courage, and the human spirit. Remi’s trials, tribulations, and experiences are not just episodic adventures but an evolution of his character and a profound commentary on human existence and the grit it takes to survive.

‘Graphics & Animation: Timelessly Alluring’

Even though ‘Ie Naki Ko’ hails from a time when animation was still in its infancy stage compared to today, its charm lies in its simplicity and detailed presentation. The backgrounds are vividly colored with lush animations that breathe life into the French landscapes and towns, and the characters are drawn with finesse that sets them realistically into their surroundings.

‘Storytelling: Impactful & Emotional’

What truly makes ‘Ie Naki Ko’ a masterpiece, however, lies in its storytelling. Each episode is a chapter in Remi’s life, filled with encounters that mold him into the kind, compassionate and courageous individual he becomes. The series beautifully portrays the harsh realities of life with a sensitivity that touches upon the poignant themes of love, loss, friendship, and survival.

‘Voice-Acting: Perfectly pitched, Emotionally depth’

In close conjunction with the storyline, the voice-acting in ‘Ie Naki Ko’ is top-notch. The emotions, agony, joy, and conflicts of the characters are brought to life in the voice performances, enhancing the overall experience of the narrative.

‘Conclusion: A Must-Watch’

In summary, ‘Ie Naki Ko’ is a timeless classic that every anime aficionado should experience. Its raw and unfiltered narrative, underlined by impressive animations and layered characters, will leave you in awe. The series strikes the right balance between being both entertaining and a profound exploration of human life. Rent it, buy it, stream it – you won’t regret it!

As always, your faithful Anime Critic bids you adieu until the next review. Happy watching!

Ie Naki Ko
7.86 / 10 Reviewer
{{ reviewsOverall }} / 10 Users (0 votes)
Ie Naki Ko delivers a compelling narrative centered around a child's journey of survival and growth, set against the backdrop of the 19th-century French society. It features beautiful animation, complex characters, and conveys strong emotional depth, offering a unique, historical slice-of-life experience.
While Ie Naki Ko boasts an emotional, character-driven narrative, it may feel overly slow and drawn out for fans of fast-paced action or thriller anime. Additionally, it suffers from occasional clichés and predictable plot points that can detract from the overall enjoyment and unpredictability.
"Ie Naki Ko, also known as Nobody's Boy: Remi, is a deeply emotional and heart-tugging anime that explores the themes of abandonment, survival, and hope. In this review, the beautifully crafted journey of the protagonist as he navigates through the harsh realms of society will be dissected. Moreover, the narrative's solid ability to evoke empathy and its masterful storytelling will be highlighted."
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Lupin III: Part II

Tokyo Movie Shinsha
155 episodes · TV Completed

Lupin III chronicles the adventures of Arsene Lupin III, the world's greatest thief, and his partners in crime: master marksman Daisuke Jigen, beautiful and scheming Fujiko Mine and stoic samurai Goemon Ishikawa XIII. Lupin and his gang travel around the globe in search of the world's greatest treasures and riches and always keeping one step ahead of the tireless Inspector Zenigata, who has vowed to bring Lupin to justice.

(Source: ANN)

Lupin III: Part II – Traversing A World of High-Octane Capers!


Meet the world’s most-wanted thief, Lupin III! Born as the grandson of Arsene Lupin, the famed gentleman burglar of Maurice Leblanc’s novels, Lupin III has taken up the family mantle of thievery. Together with his motley crew featuring the sharpshooter Jigen, the samurai Goemon, and the seductive femme fatale Fujiko, Lupin gallivants around the globe, pulling off grand heists, outwitting opponents, and hatching brilliant escape plans. There’s not a treasure in the world that’s safe from Lupin and his gang!

However, his escapades inevitably attract the attention of Inspector Zenigata, an ICPO officer who has made it his life’s mission to bring Lupin to justice! The story of Lupin III: Part II offers an action-packed tale with countless chase sequences, mind-bending crimes, and close shaves with the law. Through all these high octane scenarios, Lupin cleverly stays one step ahead of his enemies, leaving them perplexed but keeping us viewers thoroughly entertained!


Alright, folks! The Anime Critic here with a fresh take on an oldie but goodie. We’re going full retro with “Lupin III: Part II”, and let me tell you, it’s the ultimate blast from the past!

One of the most enduring aspects of Lupin III is the cast of colorful, well-developed characters. Lupin is fantastical yet engaging, with his cocky attitude and dramatic flair for thievery. You have Jigen, the gritty sharpshooter, and Goemon, the stoic samurai. And let’s not forget Fujiko, who is as capable and treacherous as she is sensual. This series is a fine blend of cheeky humor, high-speed chases, and mind-bending crimes.

The art style captures the essence of the ’70s aesthetic, while the remastered version does a fantastic job of enhancing the visuals for a smooth viewing experience. The narratives are encapsulated into individual episodes, while retaining an overarching storyline that keeps you hooked from beginning to end. With 155 episodes, there are enough heists, laughs, and unforgettable moments to keep any anime fan well entertained.

While the tone is light and comedic, “Lupin III: Part II” is also punctuated by occasional serious moments that delve into the characters’ backgrounds and motivations. These snippets of depth are like delightful treats, making the series feel more rounded and the relationships between characters more believable.

The soundtrack is top-notch! Yuji Ohno’s jazzy themes give life to the ridiculous car chases and heart-racing escapes that Lupin and co. make from Zenigata. Each episode offers a pulse-pounding, adrenaline-rushing viewing experience that you just can’t get enough of.


So, should you buy, rent, or stream “Lupin III: Part II”? As The Anime Critic, I give this series a resounding thumbs up! Whether you’re a seasoned anime fan looking to rekindle your love for classics or a newbie looking for a fantastic introduction to the world of anime, “Lupin III: Part II” is a must-watch. Its intricate narrative, captivating characters, and exceptional comedy-mystery blend make it a timeless gem. Streaming it works wonders for its episodic nature, while buying it serves as an excellent addition to any anime collection. Just prepare yourself for a visually thrilling, heart-racing, cheeky journey through Lupin’s world of high-octane capers!

Lupin III: Part II
7.77 / 10 Reviewer
{{ reviewsOverall }} / 10 Users (0 votes)
Lupin III: Part II showcases engaging storylines and well-developed, eccentric characters that make for a fun watch. The series successfully combines elements of humor, action and intricate plot twists to display spectacular artistry and brilliant creativity.
The pacing of Lupin III: Part II can be inconsistent, making some episodes feel unnecessarily drawn out. The older style of animation may not appeal to viewers accustomed to more modern aesthetics.
The review takes a deep dive into the thrilling world of 'Lupin III: Part II', a fascinating blend of action, humor and mystery. It explores the protagonist's captivating adventures, dynamic character development, and innovative plot. This critique highlights the overall quality of the anime, analyzing specific elements like animation, voice acting and thematic depth.
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