Now in his second year of high school, Rei Kiriyama continues pushing through his struggles in the professional shogi world as well as his personal life. Surrounded by vibrant personalities at the shogi hall, the school club, and in the local community, his solitary shell slowly begins to crack. Among them are the three Kawamoto sisters—Akari, Hinata, and Momo—who forge an affectionate and familial bond with Rei. Through these ties, he realizes that everyone is burdened by their own emotional hardships and begins learning how to rely on others while supporting them in return.
Nonetheless, the life of a professional is not easy. Between tournaments, championships, and title matches, the pressure mounts as Rei advances through the ranks and encounters incredibly skilled opponents. As he manages his relationships with those who have grown close to him, the shogi player continues to search for the reason he plays the game that defines his career.
You’ve Heard The Roar, Now Welcome Back To The Lion’s Den – A Dive Into 3-gatsu No Lion 2nd Season
The protagonist of the series, Rei Kiriyama, once hailed as a child prodigy shogi player, is still on his journey of self-discovery. Living alone in Tokyo after separating from his adoptive family, Rei divides his time between professional shogi and self-reflection. He seeks comfort from three sisters who, like Rei, know the stinging grit of life’s trials. Through the ups, the downs, and the ebb and flow of emotion, Rei and his friends grow together in a world that isn’t always sympathetic to their struggles.
Taking us on a ride of emotions, the second season of 3-gatsu no Lion delves deeper into Rei and the Kawamoto sisters’ lives. It explores the harsh realities of professional sports, the complexities of human emotions, and, most importantly, the concept of family. How does Rei navigate his professional life and personal relationships when both realms are emblazoned with trials and tribulations?
The Anime Critic Review
Thriving in its elegantly crafted storytelling and multidimensional characters, 3-gatsu no Lion’s second season holds up the legacy of its debut season and uplifts it to a grander scale. Chica Umino’s storytelling shines through, making the themes and the narrative incredibly insightful.
What makes the second season impressive is its commitment to character development. We see Rei grappling with his past and seeking redemption. While there are several tense shogi matches, it’s the battles within Rei that truly captivate us – they are raw, relatable, and resonate deeply.
The portrayal of the Kawamoto sisters is equally compelling. We see them dealing with the hardships of life while nurturing their bond with Rei. The authentic depiction of their struggles and their unyielding spirit sprinkles the narrative with a poignant sense of reality.
In terms of animation, Studio Shaft’s stellar work breathes life into the world of 3-gatsu no Lion. The scene transitions are seamless, the character designs vivid, and the shogi games incredibly electrifying. You can actually feel the intensity and emotional turmoil in every frame.
The music complements the storytelling perfectly, highlighting each emotional beat with precision. The two opening themes “Flag wo Tatero” and “Haru ga Kite Bokura”, capture the overriding moods of the anime splendidly, while the background score punctuates each moment with evocative resonance.
The pacing can, at times, feel slow, but this is what nurtures the depth within the series. When everything unfolds, the emotional payoff is colossal, leaving you in heartfelt awe.
3-gatsu no Lion’s second season is a masterfully woven narrative that explores the depths of human emotions, the struggles of life, and the power of resilience. Coupled with exceptional animation, emotive soundtracks, and intricate character development, it’s an anime that commands your attention.
Whether you’re a fan of shogi, enjoy character-centric narratives, or are seeking an emotional rollercoaster – this anime offers something for everyone. It’s a definite rent or buy.
For anyone still wondering whether to jump into 3-gatsu no Lion’s world, I say take the plunge. You will be left with a beautiful anime experience that resonates long after you’ve completed the series. Welcome back to the Lion’s den.
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