Usagi Tsukino is still struggling to balance her home life with the duties of being Sailor Moon, the guardian of love and justice. Along with the other Sailor Guardians and her boyfriend Mamoru Chiba, they begin investigating cases of students from Mugen Academy, a school for the most elite students, who are being transformed into monsters. During the investigation, they meet three strange individuals: Haruka Tenou, a handsome racecar driver; Michiru Kaiou, a talented violinist; and Hotaru Tomoe, a mysterious girl with a weak constitution.
As more incidents occur, the Sailor Guardians are met with another surprise—the appearance of two new planetary protectors with motives of their own. Despite the newcomers' questionable allegiance to Usagi and her comrades, they all face a threat from a common enemy: an evil entity who calls himself Pharaoh 90.
Anime Review: Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Crystal Season III | The Anime Critic
First off, let’s dive into what this season has in store for us. Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Crystal Season III follows our heroine Usagi Tsukino as she once again takes on the mantle of Sailor Moon, in an effort to fend off a new enemy who has their sight set on taking over the Earth. As Tsukino and her team of Sailor Guardians investigate the cause of recent bizarre incidents plaguing their city, they discover that four students from Mugen Academy are harboring a terrible secret – a secret that revolves around the upcoming apocalypse.
These four students, known as the “Death Busters,” are seeking the majestic Silver Crystal in order to awaken their master, Pharaoh 90, from his slumber. With a dark plan to plunge the world into a silent and eternal nightmare, the Death Busters spell foreboding danger for our courageous Sailor team. With new magical items, freshly acquired powers, and the addition of two new mysterious Sailor Guardians, our heroines are ready for their most challenging battles yet, blurring the line between friend and foe.
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Crystal Season III offers an exciting, darker feel than its previous seasons. The narrative weaves in the apocalyptic theme seamlessly, creating increased anticipation at every turn. The inclusion of new characters brings refreshing dynamics and the exploration of each character’s growth relays a rich depth to the storyline. This is an absolute binge-worthy season, collecting brilliance, emotion, and adrenaline all in one package.
Art and Animation
The animation is spectacular, a noticeable step up from previous seasons. The art is fluid, the colors brighter, and the facial expressions meticulously detailed. Each transformation scene is beautifully animated and brimming with the iconic magical girl charm we all love. The battles are more dynamic and intense, making for an engaging visual experience.
The characters are truly the heart of the experience. Each of the Sailor Guardians grows in their own unique ways. Usagi’s development stands out as she grows stronger and more mature, displaying the resilient spirit of a true leader. The newcomers to the cast, the mysterious Uranus and Neptune, are brilliantly designed with intriguing narratives that keep you hooked.
The sound department truly outdid themselves this season. The opening and ending themes perfectly encapsulate the mood of the series and the background tracks during tense moments amplify the emotions perfectly. Voice acting is spot-on, with the characters sounding exactly as you’d expect them to, which adds another layer of authenticity to the story.
Overall, Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Crystal Season III is an all-rounder: a thoroughly thought-out storyline, exceptional character development, exciting battles, and top-notch animation. It is a must-watch for die-hard Sailor Moon fans and newcomers alike. Whether you decide to rent, buy, or stream; this season is absolutely worth your time and investment.
Rating: 9/10
Here’s to hoping that future Sailor Moon seasons keep up the good work!
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